Have you ever encountered...
Ever felt that exiting the train is like getting squashed like a pancake.
Ever felt that exiting the train is like getting a really BAD massage
Boy! Do i have just the thing for you...
What u need is...
Ever felt that exiting the train is like getting a really BAD massage
Boy! Do i have just the thing for you...
What u need is...
The Ultimate-Train-Exiting-Thing
(UTET for short)
Use the UTET efficiently by waving it through the door before exitting.
Hopefully the crowd would part like Moses parting the red sea.
If that doesn't work, prepare to
(UTET for short)
Use the UTET efficiently by waving it through the door before exitting.
Hopefully the crowd would part like Moses parting the red sea.
If that doesn't work, prepare to
Use the UTET by gently bopping the heads of the people that are blocking your way.
The UTET is avaliable for just $9.99!
A small price to pay for your HAPPINESS.
Don't hesitate..